What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a very old method of healing. It’s a safe, gentle, and effective way to reduce stress, and get to the root of emotional problems that can effect deep change in a person’s life.
The person enters a state of mind that can be likened to experiencing a pleasant daydream, a type of relaxed, focused concentration. Those in hypnosis look like they are asleep, but they are actually focused on what is happening in their imagination, while their body is feeling deeply relaxed. In hypnosis the facilitator or coach, gently guides the person’s daydream with the questions they bring to the session that they want answered. The client is always in control, and can open their eyes at any time. The goal is to relax as the hypnotist uses various means, such as guided visualization, suggestion, and gentle metaphor, to help the client enter the relaxed state. How Does Hypnosis work?Hypnosis allows you to relax into a deep state of conscious awareness, where you have access to your Higher Self. Some call it the Sub-Conscious which is aware of everything. Relaxation in hypnosis lowers the brain waves and allows the subconscious mind to open up access to memories from our early lives, or from other lives for personal information and understanding.
What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis?Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) is a way of doing Past Life Regression using a technique that was pioneered by Dolores Cannon (1931-2014) about 45 years ago.
QHHT, because we don’t always go to past lives in sessions now. QHHT takes you to “the most appropriate time and place” to address your questions, concerns, and health issues in this life. But this way of doing hypnosis opens the door to much more. Some clients go to future lives, lives lived on other planets, parallel lives, and life in between lives where they meet with their Council of Elders. Some go to the Temple of Healing, where they are met by the Guardian of the Temple, who escorts them into a huge healing rotunda, where they experience healing through light and sound. Quantum Healing Hypnosis allows you to take a “time out” from everyday life, to get in touch with things that you normally are unaware of in your busy task-oriented life. It slows you down and gives you a chance to relax and “take care of things”. And best of all you don’t have to do it yourself. You are not alone. Your facilitator is there to ask the right questions – the ones you bring to your session, and to record all the information so you can listen to it later. |
What is entailed in the healing process?
Those who have begun the work of clearing their shadows, go through a healing process of:
- taking the time to look at and hear the messages being shared
- acknowledging what happened- allowing it to be seen
- creating a loving space for the emotions connected with the trauma to be released, whether they be shame, grief, anger, fear, depression – whatever emotions come up.
- forgiving both yourself and anyone else involved in the trauma, and finding gratitude for the lessons you have been taught.
- finally- releasing what no longer serves you.
Are you ready for a qhht session?Remember, your trauma, your post traumatic stress, or whatever you want to call it, is there to teach you something. If you are unwilling to look at it, you are not ready to let it go. Your subconscious knows this, and you can’t fool it. We all agreed to certain lessons and many times the lessons are hard. QHHT helps to discover the lessons so you can make sense of past experiences. With this information find the value in them and move on.
What are the benefits of a Qhht session?Benefits can be measured in terms of life-satisfaction, emotional healing, and increased spiritual awareness. Changes can occur in your perception of time. Time becomes your friend, as you begin to look forward to each day, solidly anchored in the present moment. Clients sometimes report a loss of the fear of death or dying, especially if that was an issue.
What Does "regression work" refer to?Regression work is becoming recognized as one of the most powerful tools for dealing with emotional disturbances, and for finding the answers to the mysteries of life.
Regression work can dissolve pain, fear, depression, anger, grief and many other things, by restoring a sense of harmony, peace and balance in everyday life. Clients are able to go back to the root causes of health issues, relationship problems, fears and phobias, repetitive patterns, anxieties, and other problems that are in their lives. Once the root cause is located and re-experienced, the door is opened to be able to deal with the emotional pain behind it. QHHT frees you to be able to look at your trauma with calm and humility, and step back and see or hear what it has to tell you. Only when this has been accomplished will the insistent voices of your shadows recede back to Source, and allow you to proceed with the work of healing. Because, now that they have been heard, and are no longer being suppressed and ignored, but have been allowed to speak their truth, they no longer have a reason to be there. |
Finding Harmony and PeaceRegression work enlightens the mind by opening the door to what has been happening behind the scenes. This new vision of love and acceptance of how things are, transforms the mind, bringing it into harmony and peace with the self within, allowing for a life centered in love, feeling able to engage in self-care, as well as having the energy to reach out to others. In this new vision of life, the person experiences the self as part of all things, no longer separate and alone.
Accessing your subconscious in this way, allows you to discover new directions for living your life, so that you are happier, more in control of your thinking and decision making, and aware of things you may not have noticed before. Prepare and bring a list of question about your life and health.
Plan to be available for 4-6 hours for the session. Each session costs $444. Payment plans and grants are available. Call to set up your appointment. (585) 880-6012. |